Inmiddels is Jericho ruim een maand bezig met zijn training. Na 1 week ontving ik onderstaande update van onze partner:

We have no problems with Jericho skill wise. Because he finished college, we find that he has a lot of knowledge in the field already but still needs to be trained. Our approach to him is different though compared to Pia because for Jericho his problem is more on punctuality and professionalism. We find that he needs to be trained more on these aspects rather than skill wise.

2 weken later de volgende update ontvangen:

He’s doing okay.. still problems with punctuality and meeting deadlines.. so far he missed ALL deadlines.. hes very different compared to Pia. He’s very easy to talk to, very talented, gets the job done well but misses all deadlines… I guess this is our challenge, to train him to be more punctual professional wise.

Na deze update hebben wij telefonisch besproken dat Jericho nog 1 kans krijgt. Op het gebied van deadlines en afspraken nakomen en op tijd verschijnen, moet er drastisch iets veranderen, en zo niet, dan zoeken we per direct een nieuwe trainee.

Een week later:

Hey Claudia, he’s surprisingly showing up on time the past week. The other day he was 10 minutes late and i still reminded him to be on time.. instilling good practice and punctuality on him. He’s doing well, its a complete turnaround from the past weeks… Im quite relieved.
I can say that he really needed our help. I don’t see him “surviving” in the creative industry on his own without going through our training. He really needed this. 🙂 And thank you once again!