Hallo allemaal,
Hierbij weer een korte update over Stichting Alona. Op 15 mei loopt de training van Jennifer ten einde. Jennifer heeft heel veel geleerd, maar heeft het van alle trainees wel het moeilijkst gehad. Het was veel en toch wel moeilijke materie voor haar. Hopelijk kan ze in de toekomst toch ergens haar nieuwe vaardigheden gaan toepassen in de praktijk.
Robert heeft niet stilgezeten en heeft alweer een passende, nieuwe kandidaat gevonden voor onze stichting. Ze heet Issay en zal op 1 juni starten met haar training. Hieronder een kort stukje door Robert geschreven over haar achtergrond:Hi Claudia,
Meet our new candidate Gail or better known as Issay.
Issay’s background is a bit sad. She is currently 22 years old and lived in San Pedro Laguna with her family whom she described as a family full of negativity. She did not go well with her family. This led to her being depressed eventually she was officially diagnosed with depression.
Issay left her family and now lives with her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s family. Recently, she worked as an office admin/secretary for a company, but her boss abused her physically, emotionally, pyschologically and verbally. This aggregated her depression which led her to consult a psychiatrist.
Issay was a referral from Dr. Noreen Molina, a psychiatrist friend that I have from BNI (the business organization that I am in right now and Issay is one of her patients.).
Issay was advised by her psychiatrist not to go back to work for now, which is why she is not doing anything right now and is able to take on this training.
She wants to be trained in presentations and reporting to enhance her communication skills. She would also like to be trained in social media marketing. With this, I plan to train her a bit on graphic design, branding, and mostly on social media marketing. She also likes to develop her time management skills through training.
She said this training will be useful for her as she plans to start a business after this training and have a good escape from her current job and her abusive boss.
Helaas weer een droevig verhaal van iemand die wel een meevaller kan gebruiken. Issay kijkt uit naar de start van haar training. Ik zal jullie tussentijds weer op de hoogte houden van haar vorderingen.