We zijn weer enkele weken verder en Pia heeft haar opleiding succesvol voltooid. Hieronder weer een korte update van onze partner in de Filipijnen:

Hi Claudia,

Would just like to update you on Pia and her training with us. She had her last day with us last Friday. We made sure that she is good in graphic design and web design. To show you some of the recent works she did with us, please see attached social media graphics she did. I also let her create a video about her experience with us to be sent to you so that you get updated as well on her learnings and trainings with us.

I think she has really learned a lot. I believe we equipped her with the right knowledge for her to start on a career related to web development. I am requesting her to go back to our office on Thursday this week just so that I can give her a certificate of completion and to teach her how to look for jobs on online job sites since she is not knowledgeable on this yet. After so, we are basically done with her training already.

Again, I would like to thank your generosity for this entire experience and I hope you also feel fulfilled because you really have changed the life of a person for the long-run. Thank you for using us as an instrument to help others as well.
